Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lady GaGa A Threat To National Security?

Did Lady GaGa help an Army officer smuggle classifed data?

That's what government documents are declaring. According to government officials, PFC Bradley Manning was charged with illegally transferring Defense Department data and leaking it to a website by the name of Wikileaks.

The officer apparently pretended he was listening to Lady GaGa on his computer by humming and lip-syncing while transferring highly classified information from Army computers onto writable CDs.

Reporter Thom Shanker wrote:

"He was able to avoid detection not because he kept a poker face, they said, but apparently because he hummed and lip-synched to Lady Gaga songs to make it appear that he was using the classified computer’s CD player to listen to music.

Adrian Lamo, a well-known former hacker, had traded electronic messages in which Private Manning described his unhappiness with the Army—and, Mr. Lamo said, his activities downloading classified data.

Mr. Lamo said Private Manning described how he had used compact discs capable of storing data, but tucked inside recognizable music CD cases, 'to bring the data out of the secure room.'

'He indicated he disguised one as a Lady Gaga CD. He said he lip-synched to blend in.'


I Have to agree what Perez Hilton Said on his blog. He's pretty shady..

and I THINK I'll GO play POKER FACE now.

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